Dr. Miranda has a wealth of experience in a wide-range of school situations, and is always open to new challenges and ideas. She believes that effective teaching and learning requires a competent, compassionate, and supported master teacher at the helm of instruction.
If you don't see something on the list that best suits your needs please call or email so we can discuss different options. The goal is to exceed your expectations!
Examples of on-site training and workshops offered:
Best Classroom Practices for the 21st Century
Classroom Management & Discipline Interventions
Dr. Miranda is a certified Time to Teach ™ Associate Trainer
Learning centers that promote creative & critical thinking
Effective classroom design
Skills Training
Life Skills (Organization, Time Management, Communication)
Study Skills (Reading effectively, Note taking, Test prep, College prep)
Parent as Advocates - Preparers vs. Protectors
*Staff retreats could include a spiritual dimension, upon the clients request.
Faith based retreats and workshops are offered FREE in conjunction with training that is covered by federal or district funds.