Miranda Consulting
  Education & Leadership Solutions

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Leadership Seminars

Dr. Esther Miranda’s experiences with diverse international groups allowed her opportunities to experience the hallmarks of effective and inspiring leadership. From her personal success with coordinating every aspect of small to very large events, utilizing  the media advantageously, and engaging the local community to donate time and resources,  she found that the secret to elevating visibility, support, and market share was to elevate every aspect of leadership, goal setting, planning, team building, product creation, and service.
A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships!
  • Leadership Seminars
    •  Team Creation & Team Building (companions on the journey!)
    •  Effective Communication
    •  Identifying strengths and weaknesses
    •  360º Surveys - Needs assessment & Goal setting

  • Team Building & Bonding *
    • Mission & Identity - a shared vision
    • Identifying communication styles,
           team 'specialties', and weaknesses
    • Creative problem-solving
    • Team games, Improv, Instant Challenges
    • Team Managers - Can you be one?
           (A practical guide to effective team meetings) 

 These motivational seminars will demonstrate that:

Effective and inspirational leaders motivate and inspire while displaying a commitment to a superior product or service. They are confident and effective communicators, and actively engage employees in their efforts.

Compassionate leadership promotes the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional well being of every employee. Excellence and good citizenship is pursued within a work environment and culture that is guided by moral values, and in a manner that reflects discipline, caring and safety.

Public Relations is a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to attract,
engage, and retain the goodwill and support of
stakeholders, clients, and the community.

Attracting and retaining employees and clients requires listening, reflecting, and a timely response. Equally important is a clear articulation of goals and plans, and opportunities for collaborative problem-solving.

 A pursuit of excellence must reflect sensitivity to the changing needs of a global workforce, and the environment.

Effective communication
is complete, transparent, and timely. It engages stakeholders by providing opportunities for collaboration.

 Effective team building empowers team members to become leaders, delegates responsibility fairly and effectively, and promotes success by providing necessary tools and support. 

*Staff retreats with a spiritual dimension can be provided upon request.

Download an informational brochure on Leadership & Team Building Seminars

Various-sized groups and events are accommodated.
Contact us for rates and pricing options.

Happy employees & clients are an institutions’ biggest walking billboard!
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